The Global Art Project

an international collaborative collective

curated by Carl Heyward

Akiko Suzuki
Mystery of Anger & Love & Delusion – Soap Bubbles
Hundred frags from 18 members of 9 countries, collage elements of paper, fabric,
and found object collected from the international membership of GAP
68" x 32'

Global Art Project (GAP) exhibits works from the GAP Frag Exchange Project, featuring art created by GAP artists in collaborative exercises consisting of fragments, debris, collage-assemblage materials, and refuse collected from the global membership. The Frag Exchange Project allows remote interaction among GAP members numbering 63 working artists operating out of 17 countries. Failed or discarded fragments of works on paper or canvas, found objects, laundry or grocery lists, obscure newspaper clippings, and family photos, as well as bits off the studio floor comprise the raw materials  (trash to treasure) that serve as impetus for new works without any sense of attachment or emotional connection to the Frag’s original intention. Frags serve as sparks for the imagination, producing results that would not have existed without this indirect sort of collaborative process. In this way, GAP exemplifies the broadening scope of international interaction while compressing the world in general, defying any sense of separation or boundaries, which is central to McLuhan’s assertions regarding The Global Village and now, beyond.

Participating Artists

Robert Reed (USA)
Naomi Middelmann (Switzerland)
Chaewon Oh (Korea)
Maryse Pique (UK)
Mar Daines (France)
Mikel Frank (USA)
Ron Weijers (Netherlands)
Lynn Arnold (USA)
Akiko Suzuki (Japan)
Helene S Cohen (USA)
Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero (Spain)
Faserhaft Caprices (Germany)
Tina Morris (UK)
Lawrence Philp (USA)
Nancy Perry (USA)
Anne Lepine (Belgium)
Willam Jaggers (USA)
Linda Coppens (Belgium)
Jennifer Hynes (USA)
Usha Shukla (India)
Helene Öfwerström  (Sweden)
David Jenowe (USA)
Elise Marshall (USA)
Madeleine Wories (USA)
Françoise Amossé  (France)
Alvaro Sanchez (Guatemala)
Christine Verhaert (Belgium)
Syporca Whandal (Hungary)
Nicola Newton (USA/UK)
Lorna Crane (New South Wales)
Joan Stennick (USA)
Na Omi Judy Shintani (USA)
Pamela Pitt (USA)
Echi Aaberg (Sweden)
Carl Heyward (USA)

about the GAP curator  

Carl Heyward is an NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) Fellow and grant recipient; former MFA instructor at Academy of Art University, San Francisco; arts writer, curator, and founder of Global Art Project, a mixed-media collaborative cooperative with a membership of 60-plus artists working in 17 countries. His arts and music writing has appeared in Rolling Stone magazine, Gallery & Studio Arts Journal, Inspirational magazine, High Performance, Artweek, Artscribe International, Utsanga, D-Railed, Art Papers, and other publications. He has exhibited at Room Art Gallery, Mill Valley; The Fourth Wall Gallery in Oakland; has been artist-in-residence at The Schools of The Sacred Heart at The Flood Mansion, San Francisco; and continues to exhibit internationally in Kranz, Slovenia; Mazatlan, Mexico; Venice, Italy;  Senegal; and Ghent, Belgium, 2017-2020; curated GAP no/MIND East Village Art View Gallery, New York City, 2019; curated and exhibited in CrossingBorders USA at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, California, 2020; The Fragmented Mind at Casa de Cultura de San Lorenzo, Madrid, Spain, October 2020; Pulchri Gallery, The Netherlands, 2020; The American Heart of Winter at Gallerie Renee Marie, Benicia, California, through January 2021; Quarentena, Galeria Artistas en Pandemica, Santiago, Chile, March-April 2021; Spontaneous Combustion at Hof Von Rove, Ghent, Belgium, September 2021; curates GAP selections for Reimagining the Global Village, Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, October-December 2021; curates YES!, Artheka 32 Gallery, Ostia/Roma, Italy, October 2021; curates CrossingBorders: Into the Light at Pacific Grove Art Gallery, Pacific Grove, California, July-August 2022; Contemporary Revolution at Campo-Santo, June-July 2022. His work resides in collections held by San Francisco MOMA; MoMA, New York City; Yale University Art Library;, the National Gallery of Australia;, Wellesley Art Library; and the Brooklyn Museum. He is associated with Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, CaliforniaCA; 10dence Gallery, Holland;, Galerie Sobo Bade, Senegal;, Gallerie Renee Marie, California; and East Village Art View Gallery, New York City.


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Reimagining the Global Villlage 2021